Thursday, November 29, 2007


I am dedicating this post to my bro-in-law. You know who you are. Talk about the ultimate closet reader. At Thanksgiving the topic of my blog came up. I was asking my sis if she'd checked it out yet. The answer was no (rude) but OK because it turns out Bro-in-law checks it out religiously and gives her updates. He was totally making fun of it, telling the rest of the family how completely nuts I am, which I forgave after I realized he knew details about every single post. I'm like his morning coffee. He just can't get enough of me. Here's to you, Bro!

The radio guys yesterday were laughing about a video on YouTube of Donny Osmond dancing to Weird Al's spoof called "White and Nerdy". Had to check it out. Laughed the snot right outta my nose. All you guys that were drooling over Donny will love this. The boy's got some MOVES. Not to mention stamina. Ummm....

(there is a YouTube video below, for some reason it's not showing up. Just click in the blank area and you'll get there. Sorry...I'll fix as soon as I can!)

I registered for the Canyonlands Half Marathon this week. It's a lottery pick, so who knows if I'll get drawn. I ran it last year. It was a blast. Even when 90% of the entrants over 85 years old finished before me. I think two little geriatrics were behind me. But not by much. I'm excited to give it another go this year. My pictures across the finish line last year were hideous. I tried to do the cool "raise your hands in the peace sign while you're crossing the finish line" thing. It made me look like a pigeon-toed-club-foot with serious under arm jiggle. And the boobs were bouncing in two different directions since my arms weren't down to hold them in place. This will be my year for redemption...from the geriatrics and the cameraman.
By the way, anyone that wants to join in on the fun, please do! It's in Moab, Utah on March 8, 2008. It's a gorgeous, mostly down hill run along the Colorado River. The entry deadline is Dec. 15th. Come join the fun!!!

#3 has a girlfriend. He's only four. Today at pre-school she presented him with a picture of Lightning McQueen that she had colored just for him. His eyes got all wide and he got a goofy grin and then he said, "Thanks Bewwa (Bella)! I weawy wuv cars!" I had to give him props on his manners. Ladies loovvveee the manners. Hubby said they were holding hands in primary on Sunday, too. He's been bit by the love bug.

I got a Christmas card in the mail today. I am so bummed. I procrastinated a day too long and someone beat me to the punch. I so wanted to get the first cards out this year. And the card I got was generic, too. It wasn't a photo card or anything. I had my photo cards ready a week ago!! So sad. Anyway, I am posting one here today so at least I can say I got some out today, too. I apologize to those of you who will get one in the mail as well and therefore have two. It's not that I think you need two cards from us. I just wanted to be first!!!

(Names have been removed to protect the innocent. It really is cuter in person. And it's not pink and brown, it's red and green and brown.)

And in an effort to give props where props are due, I got my cards at
After I had ordered these, I saw some great sites from fellow bloggers, too. I would have used one of them had I seen them in time.

13 awesome people said...:

lindsey said...

Half marathons are the best! It is the perfect distance.

No one looks good after running races! The last time I ran a marathon, this lady I know ran it with us. She had her hair all fixed up and full makeup on - - she actually looked worse than me afterwards! Well at least I think so. ;)

I love your christmas cards, I wish I would have known about that site before I ordered mine!

Hollyween said...

I love your Christmas cards and your tale about the marathon and your uneven boobs. I've sooo been there. The uneven boobs, I mean. NOT the marathon. I'm must too slow for that.

My brother recently admitted that he's read my blog. I thought I was going to fall off my chair.

Bridget said...

You go girl with the half marathon. That's awesome. I'll be doing my third triathlon in May '08 and I'd love to get blogger recruits.

And WAY cute Christmas cards. I will definitely be checking out that website. I am someone who has great early intentions but usually stuffs them in the mailbox on the 20th of December.

Brooke said...

So since you are running that marathon, I guess I won't be seeing you at the baseball tourny that weekend in Kanab!? I noticed that it was that weekend and I was going to make it over there.

I love the cards! I just ordered mine from there yesterday! I can't wait to see them.

KATE said...

First off I just have to say, that I laughed so hard at Donny Osmond! I was a HUGE Solgier of Love fan. That had me peeing!

Holy cow, I'm SO impressed with you entering the marathon! I would love to run it, but since we know how hideous out of shape I am, I won't even go there! But you freaking rock, boobs flying in different directions & all! ha ha

You're so on top of things! I haven't even picked what picture I'm going to use for the Christmas card yet. You're amazing!!

So, what part of the Beehive State are you in? Feel free to email me at I'd love to hear from ya!!

Christie said...

Okay, we were meant to be BFFs.
1. I love to run. That half marathon sounds dreamy - probably so beautiful. (And my boobs go jiggling all over the place, too.)
2. I ALWAYS have to be the first Christmas card that people get.
3. My daugther has a boyfriend at school that brings her presents.
4. I laughed so hard at that video. HILARIOUS.

D-dawg said...

So Funny! Also, I think you need to share the marathon pictures and give us a good laugh. Although I probably wouldn't laugh too hard since you are running a marathon and I never have. I think marathon runners are so cool. I could never do it. Cute card too I love it. Ours are so plain this year but I just wasn't feeling it.

AMY said...

I tried to copy and paste a scary marathon pic off of their website but it wouldn't let me. And there was no way I was paying for one of those hideous things. Sorry. I'm not above self-humiliation and would have loved to have posted it here!
And please's a HALF marathon. I'm not cool enough to run a full.

blog author said...

LOVED the donny osmond video...i was a huge Donny & Marie fan as a kid, and even watched them on oprah recently. thanks for the laugh

Celia Fae said...

What is it about bloggers that they love to run so much? How do I fit in.

I looove it when I find out someone who is in denial is reading. It is the best. Then I can secretly tease them. I hope you got him goood.

lindsey said...

Hey! You gotta give yourself credit, you are very cool!

That 1/2 would be really fun! I usually run the Provo River in the summer, but this one would give me a reason to train hard this winter.

We could meet at the starting line. You will most likely leave me in the dust!

Spammon said...

A few years ago my wife asked me to step in and run for her cousin when he bailed out the day before the half marathon (I hate running). I remember standing at the starting line seeing a 9 year old kid running with his mom. I figured, hey, at least I can beat that kid. When I crossed the finish line hours later, he was already sitting there eating watermelon.

Amz said...

AAAhhh! I registered for the Run as well, last week! I was there last year too...not running, 8 months pregnant, just observing! Let us know if you get picked.