Wednesday was Drug Free Day at school and they had a contest to see who could wear the most red. The McAllister boys took the challenge seriously. They donned their finest (PWT) red gear along with their red face paint and hair spray. They even duck taped their shoes red.
Mr. Stewart, #1's teacher, asked the class if anyone thought they could challenge #1 in the "Wear Red" day. One girl stood up and Mr. Stewart laughed and said, "Sit down...not even close." Then Mr. Heath, #2's teacher, held a vote between the top three red wearers. Apparently the other two didn't receive a single vote but #2 garnered every last hand in the class. It makes a Momma proud!
Later that afternoon the little people and I made the 4 hour drive down to San Juan for the last regular season football game. We stopped in Monticello to see my two favorite families there. We stopped at Alisa's first where #3 made fast friends with cute Ellie.
Alise and I only had an hour or so but it was worth the four hour trip to see her and meet Kooper for the first time!
Loren (#1's first love) and baby Kooper. #1 was pretty excited to see a pic of his toddler crush all grown up!
Here's #4, Jade (who's only two months older than #4), #3 and Ellie (who is two months older than #3). My kids can't wait till we can go back for another visit with their new friends.
After the quick recap session, we headed down to the game where Sumer and fam met up with us. Emmry and #4 are both the youngest and only girls with three older brothers. Look at their poses...they are two peas in a pod!! (and only 4 days apart)
Sumer with Emmry, Brayson, Austin and Gage. Austin was mortified that I would stand in front of a football crowd for a picture...all in the name of blogging, baby!
#1 and 2 were the water boys for the game. They didn't change out of their sweet red gear but did a great job keeping our team hydrated! We lost the game but because of the way other games in the region played out, we took second place in region! GO RAMS!! We get a bye this week then it's State Football. This is our best season yet...congrats, boys!