We are pleased to present this year's school pictures. Yay! No retakes necessary. Even the little preschoolers get to participate.
We begin with #4. She is 3 1/2 and enjoys dancing, singing and princesses. Her favorite thing to do during any given day is play house with her brother and dress up in 73 different outfits. She loves getting her hair done and yanking it out again. She loves animals as long as they don't make a move in her direction. Her favorite foods are candy, broccoli and anything on Mom's plate. Her best friend is Hayzen (when Mom's not around). She hasn't let her brother cut her hair at all in 2008, for which we are sooo proud. She's fond of Kung Fu (panda style) and loves to be read to. She can often be seen in mom's heels and jewelry and still loves to take naps. She has a quick wit and an even quicker temper. We don't know what we'd do without her!
Next is #3. He turned 5 in mid-June and got a ticket to pre-school for the third year in a row. This handsome little devil loves cars, especially the Lightning McQueen and NASCAR variety. He's a great big brother and spends many days indulging little sis with her "House" shenanigans. He loves to run football plays and can often be seen with a football tucked under his arm as he commentates his own quick slants and touch down passes. His best friends are Carter and Keegan and his dad. He loves to draw and is always surprising us with special family portraits. He still tickles us with his lisp and enjoys his favorite candy of "Nodes" (Nerds) every chance he gets. His other favorite foods include pancakes and pickles and he recently quit sucking his thumb! We love our little man!
#2 remains the family comic, break dancin', rap-singing fool that we all know and love. Having turned 8 in April, he's enjoying third grade, especially since two of his best friends Brodee and Kamree are in his class. He's picking up on the piano much faster than any of us anticipated and is excited to perform his duet with mom in Sacrament meeting on Sunday (sort of). His favorite foods are donuts, cookies and Mountain Dew. He is still known as one of the best athletes in his grade and lives for sports. He is also becoming quite the little artist and enjoys drawing footballs and field goals. He is a conscientious big brother, making sure his little siblings are always included and is the first to give a hug to anyone in the family. Our life would be quite boring without this little homey.
Last but not least is #1. 11 years old came pretty fast and he's enjoying being among the oldest of the elementary. Next year brings middle school and he can't wait (though the rest of us can). He recently started up his guitar lessons again, having taken a few months off. He's currently enjoying learning a Green Day and John Mayer song. His favorite foods include anything his friend's moms make and we're grateful for them since he wouldn't eat much otherwise. His best friends are Dyson and Payton (even though he only sees Payton a few times a year) and he's quite fond of several cute little blondes in the fifth grade. His taste in music makes me feel old and he is rarely without his beloved iPod. He's started tending his siblings for me from time to time and is saving his money for an iPhone (heaven help us all). He is super responsible, very helpful and becoming more of a friend to me all the time. We love this kid!
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