I've been tagged. Apparently what this means is now I have to post 6 facts/habits about myself and then tag others to do the same. Here it goes...
1. I'm obsessed with my bath tub. I have been known to take 2 bubble baths in one day (and that's after a shower). I get the water as hot as I can stand it and stay in until the very last drop of sweat trickles down my face. I usually take a book, a diet coke and some kind of goodie in with me as I'm in so long I really need nourishment (yes, diet coke is nourishment). Once, I got in right after I put #3 and #4 down for a nap and I was still in an hour and a half later when #3 came downstairs and said, "Wow. You've been in da baf a wong time mom."
2. I drink more Diet Coke than water. I don't know how my kidneys haven't crystalized by now. I drink it any time, day or night and I have to make myself drink a glass of water before bed, just for good measure. Last night at work some of the nurses thought they'd get a little funny and hide my last ice cold coke of the night. I got mad. Really mad. I thought someone had stolen it and started accusing one of the nursing students till the other nurses laughed and pulled in out of their hiding place. Ha Ha...NOT funny.
3. I love the Indigo Girls. Those who know me best know this already but I'm discovering more and more people out there who have never even heard of them. Are you serious? Who's never heard of "The Girls"? (Besides my dad) I've loved them since I was in 9th grade and own every album ever made. If you call my phone, it's my ring back and everyone comments about it...I mean EVERYONE. My girls are still singing along when I answer and everyone else is appalled or disgusted or just plain confused. Get with the program people!! Indigo Girls Rock!
4. I used to be famous for my chicken dance. This is something Hubby wishes I would keep quiet. Very few people in my present life even know what the chicken dance is, but those of you who do can honestly say you've laughed until tears came out your ears. My kids have never even seen the chicken dance. I plan to save it until they have their first boy/girl party in junior high. (insert evil laugh here)
5. I've never had a ticket. Ever. I've run into a parked car (twice), driven up a curb and popped a tire, backed into a pole that apparently was stationary at the time. I even ran a red light once and broad-sided a car in downtown Oakland and never got a ticket. The cop felt so bad for me after the irate black woman that I hit jumped out of her car and ran up to me screaming things I've never heard in my life from .25 of an inch away from my face that he took my insurance info and let me go. Knock on wood, I know, but it's true. Perfect record.
6. I was in a REALLY bad "made-for-late-night-cable" television show called "Miracles and Other Wonders" when I was a junior in high school. I was the lead role in a 15-20 minute segment. I had to fake cry. It was really bad. I keep a copy of it hidden somewhere, just for proof, but have never busted it out except once to show Hubby (who laughed so hard he snorted). Sadly, it actually aired at least once that I know of, about 5 years after the fact. I was visiting my parents and ran into an old family friend who couldn't wait to tell me they'd seen me on TV. I can only pray that was the last time.
OK...that wasn't so bad. Now, Cami, the Other Amy and Tamber...Tag! You're it!
Celebrating Holy Week (Days 5&6)
6 years ago
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