Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I'm so excited it's finally getting warm. I can't remember the last time we had cabin fever in June. The kids were getting tired of all the jobs I was making them do when they came to me with their "I'm bored" and "There's nothing to do"'s. Finally we have something to do!

We set up the WTP yesterday. Our climate really doesn't justify the real deal so we have the white trash version...and we LOVE it! It's such a summer saver. We haven't been able to set it up the last couple of years for various reasons. Last summer we had no yard and visions of a mud swamp convinced us otherwise. The year before, we were in a rental knowing we would be moving mid-summer, therefore not making the hassle worth it. (And with the threat of June snow showers a couple of weeks ago, we weren't convinced this year would be the grand-reopening either.) But alas, with the 90 degree days this week, the WTP came out. And it fits. It's nestled nicely in the white trash corner of our yard. While our front yard is looking beautiful (thank you, honey) our backyard continues to be a work in progress thanks to the basement excavation project earlier this spring. Bless his little heart, Hubby works day and night on it and it should be gorgeous by fall.

Back to the WTP, it takes HOURS to fill up and #3 and #4 could hardly stand it. They got their little inner-tubes out and waddled around in the 12 inch 20 degree water until their toes turned purple and rigid. Now that it's full this morning, they won't go near it. It's going to take another week or so of these 90 degree days to get it a tolerable temperature.

#1 and 2 had a sleepover last night and played a little midnight baseball by the full moon. I LOVE summer! This morning they couldn't wait to be the first in the full pool...until...their little toes touched the icy surface and they started shivering. They all took turns jumping in, hoping against hope that they would warm up once submerged. No such luck. They hardly dared let their arms touch the water! We'll be getting that solar cover on it today and hopefully get to actually USE the stupid thing now that it's set up!

Once they gave up on the idea of chillin' in the pool (no pun intended) they donned headbands and jerseys for an old skool game of hoops. My guess is it won't be long before they're back in the swim trunks and ready for a dive.


10 awesome people said...:

Lisa said...

That's a pretty big WTP you've got there. That sure beats going to the public pool which I've put off for no reason at all. We'll definately have to make a trip down there, the boys would love it!!

Huber Family said...

We love to swim in the wtp. In oklahoma that's all people had. We would love you to come try ours out. Just let me know when you want to come.

Brooke said...

Our pool like that didn't last long last summer. It was harder than tar to keep clean and it was sliding all over the place! It was a little smaller though. We have a bigger one, but won't be using it for a while! It looks like your kids will get a lot of use out of it once the water warms up though!

Cecily R said...

Man, your WTP puts ours to SHAME. Not only do we have one, but ours is the small one. So much more WT than yours. Ha ha!!!

Jill said...

First off, your blog is adorable. Secondly, I love your hair! Third, that pool looks awesome!!!!!! I'm coming over.

Ellery said...

Wow a pool!! I bet your kids are in heaven. (i still need to teach mine how to swim!) that is so great you went to oprah too! I love her!! And soo fun to go to the after Oscar party!! Tell your hubby not to be too jelous. Bobby was a little nasty. But I guess any married guy hitting on someone else is..right?

Well, we was just gunna head out so i better go. Ha ha. I loved your comment!

Spammon said...

Wow, do you guys have the party yard or what!? We'll be over this weekend.

Spammon said...

Is your blog redirecting for feedburner setup correctly? I am trying to add you to my google reader and it just ain't workin!

mreay said...

So glad you found me! I need your email, I am going to make mine a private blog. So fun to catch up!!
my email is

Christie said...

Not sure how I missed your new blog here - I think my feed wasn't picking you up. I'm so glad I found you!

Welcome back to blogland, friend! Long time no see. How you been? From the looks of it here, good. How's the summer treatin' you?