Monday, November 17, 2008

Sacrament Success

After I opened my big mouth, we were asked to speak as a family for the first time since we've moved into our current ward...nearly three years! While some wards won't allow children younger than 12 to speak, our entire family was included on the soiree. We had nearly a month to prepare and decided that #3 and 4 would do a tag team effort with pictures and a few lines, #2 would play a duet on the piano with me to avoid speaking and #1 would be brave and give a real talk.
Two days before the event, #3 announced he would have nothing to do with any speaking parts, he was only going to hold the pictures and #2 decided that playing the piano in front of the ENTIRE WARD wasn't terrifying enough, he wanted a talk, too.
After a few last minute adjustments, we were able to put together a relatively nice program (in my own humble opinion!). #3 refused to hold the pictures come show time and after #4 said her first line into the microphone and scared the daylights out of herself, she refused to say the rest of her lines. I got to stand there, pictures, quivering children and all and give the first talk of the day.
#2 and #1 gave STELLAR talks (written by yours truly) without even the slightest hint of nerves between the two of them. AND THEN...#2 and I got behind the piano and performed "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" together. #2 didn't miss a SINGLE note, despite the fact that it was his first ever public performance and only the 4th week that he's actually been playing piano! I, on the other hand was shaking so badly I missed quite a few notes but managed to keep up with my little Mozart. (Might I add that I haven't played the piano in front of people for over a decade??? Yeah, I know.)
We ended the program with me and Hubby, who gave an incredible talk himself. He always impresses me when it comes to these things because it's a side he doesn't show very often. He brought me (and most of the congregation) to tears.
All in all, we survived and hopefully get another 3 years before our next showing!

The four munchins pre-sacrament. #4 is trying quite hard to get #3, who was not in a posing mood, to smile.

And then...almost a smile there...

8 awesome people said...:

Tasha said...

yes I will agree with guys did do an awesome job!! I am very impressed with #2 and his great piano playing for only playing a month, that was fantastic. you did good too! :)

The ANDERSON'S said...

I sure wish I could have seen your program. I didn't even know you played the piano! I'm sure it was fantastic.

Lisa said...

That would've been a fun meeting to come to. I don't know how we've been so lucky on not being asked to speak. We've been here for 7 years now!

Kelli said...

I didn't know you played the piano! I am not at all surprised that it turned out great - you guys are an awesome family and it would have been a fun sacrament meeting to hear! And I bet you're happy you can cross that one off your list!

LaRose Crew said...

I now know who is writing my next sacrament mtg script! U R a pro! I think adding the music is a definite bump to celestial category! Hey - I've tried email you 4 times and it keeps coming back undelivered! So email me!

Debbie Pimm said...

Amy I so wish I could've been there to see all of you take part in that meeting. It's sacrament meetings like that I really love. Sounds like my sweet cousin is quite the speaker.. Tell him to watch it tho that's how you get put in the Bishopric....

Devin and Elle said...

Oh cute your kids are so cute. Devin and I just moved into a house that is kinda behind crisps. Its a 3 bed to bath. And we finally are moved in all except our office which will get put on the back burner till the babe comes or devin decides to put everything away. I think that the next couple of nights sounds wonderful. I have been walking and hope that it will be soon! I have a dr. appointment tomorrow so we'll see how it goes!

The Petersons said...

I sure wish I could have caught your meeting. It is no suprise to me that it was great. I bet you are glad it is over though.